Yoga 101 FAQ

Yoga 101 FAQ

What is Yoga?

Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word yuj. It means to yoke or bind. It is often referred to as a "union" between breath, body, the mind and the emotions. 

Yogi refers to a male practitioner and yogini refers to a female practitioner. Most scholars agree that yoga is around 5,000 years old. 

Most contemporary forms of yoga have roots from the writings of an Indian sage named Patanjali who compiled the Yoga Sutra around 2,000 years ago. This is a collection of 195 verses or aphorisms that includes the eight limbs of yoga (also known as Raja Yoga.) 


These limbs include: the yamas (external disciplines), the niyamas (internal disciplines), asanas (yoga postures - which is the limb that most people today associate with yoga), pranayama (breath regulation), pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (enlightenment, liberation, immersion, absorption).

Do I have to be flexible to practice?

Thinking you have to be flexible to do yoga is a myth. Yoga was actually created to help you gain more flexibility, which loosens tight muscles and prevents injury.

What do I need to begin?

All you need to begin your yoga journey is an open mind. Do not allow your injuries or fears to deter you from a truly life changing practice.  Tap into your true teacher and give yourself the opportunity to find stillness on the mat. 

What should I bring to a class?

Wear comfortable clothing that is stretchy and loose fitting. Bring a water bottle and a small towel if you'd like, and an open mind. We provide mats and towels at the studio.

 What is a yoga private?

Yoga was traditionally taught by one teacher directly to one student. The great ancient teachers understood the importance of individualizing each yoga experience to meet the needs of the individual student.  

Private yoga classes are an investment for your personal growth and health. They are a great way to start your yoga practice in a more solid footing before you join group yoga sessions or provide intensive training and exclusive attention for advanced practitioners. 

Common reasons to begin a Yoga Private Practice:

You are beginner and you want to get started in yoga without being overwhelmed or intimidated

You want to go to the next level or work more in-depth

You want to develop a home yoga or meditation practice

You have injuries (back, shoulder, knee) or health concerns (stress, arthritis, insomnia, pregnancy)

You want to work toward a specific physical goal such as increased flexibility, balance, or strength, target problem areas like tight hips or hamstrings, or increase your mental focus in a particular sport

You want to add yoga to your weight-loss or strength-training program

 Does it hurt?

You may feel sore after a yoga class or private session.  This is likely an acute reaction and will pass within a few days. To soften this, try an Epsom salt bath or Arnicare to ease the discomfort. 

How often should I practice?

The more yoga you do, the more positive changes you'll notice, but you can benefit from as little as one class a week. Some students practice every day. Ideally, you should try for an average of two classes a week. 

What are the benefits?

Yoga has a myriad of health benefits, so many in fact that we devoted a page just for that (check out BENEFITS).  Just to name a few, breathing deeply keeps the mind focused, cleans out the lungs, and increases circulation, which oxygenates your entire system. In addition, stretching increases flexibility, which can prevent injuries, strength and muscle tone are the result of supporting your body weight in various poses. And lastly, physical exertion of any kind is super important for stress reduction. These are just a few of the magical benefits of practicing the art of yoga.

Should I eat before class?

Doing yoga on a full stomach is not fun, yet doing yoga when you’re starving isn’t a good idea either. We recommend eating a light snack one hour before class or a meal 2-3 hours before class. This way your body is fueled but not focused on digestion

How is yoga different from other forms of fitness?

Yoga is more than the physical. We tap into the awakening of dormant energies throughout the body, mind and heart. Through the steadying of the mind within the practice, we learn quite a lot about ourselves, our attachments and our avoidances. With true compassion, we begin to let go of negative mental patterns and self-imposed limitations that may prevent us from feeling connected to present time energy.

How do I schedule a Yoga Private Session?

Please telephone MonkeyMind Wellness, Inc. Irina Shlain at 561.507.0261 to schedule an Private Session. We appreciate your observance of our cancellation policy. We request payment at the time of your visit and accept cash, check, and credit cards. 

I look forward to working with you and will do my best to accommodate your needs. 

What if I need to cancel my Private Session?

MonkeyMind Wellness, Inc. has reserved time and space just for you. We all know that, in life, unexpected things come up.
If cancelling an appointment is necessary, please try to do so at least 24 hours in advance. Please note, the full price of treatment will be charged for late cancellations. Thank you very much for your consideration.


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